Our Activity Guide is Here

Did you know there are at least eight universal figure-8’s to be found in artwork displays in the Center right now? Find these and many other common images that Bayer included in his paintings and atlas design in a new, complementary activity kit designed especially for our current exhibition “Concept of a Visualist: Herbert Bayer’s World Geo-Graphic Atlas.” 

Knowing that museum visits can be challenging to parents and kids alike, Penner Manager of Educational Programs Andrew Travers created the free activity kit for families to use. While the activity kit includes image hunts aimed at younger visitors, we have included prompts and space for drawing and reflection with the hope that it can be a tool for teens and adults to connect with the exhibition as well. 

“It was eye-opening to me when I tried different image hunts in “Concept of a Visualist” with my 6-year-old daughter,” says Travers. “She found more examples of images than I thought existed in the artwork. Young people have illuminating interpretations of art that can lead to instructive and fun conversations with adults and among their peers.”

We encourage kids of all ages to take advantage of this new resource. Be sure to grab your own activity kit next time you’re in the Bayer Center. We’ll provide the pencils!
