Just Our Type: Discovering Bauhaus Graphic Design
Renowned design expert Ellen Lupton explores the Bauhaus’s enduring legacy in graphic design and typography in a March 2025 event co-sponsored by the Aspen Society.
Who is the real “Brutalist”?
Andrew Travers offers an opinion in the 'Colorado Sun'.
What happened to Herbert Bayer’s ‘Walk in Space Painting’?
Hollywood Reporter story draws attention to missing Bayer ‘masterpiece’.
How Queerness Shaped the Bauhaus
Elizabeth Otto, author of "Haunted Bauhaus" leads a discussion on the diverse identities behind the artistic genius of the Bauhaus in a January 2025 virtual lecture.
Curator’s Choice
Elaine Lustig Cohen and Herbert Bayer
The 12 Days Holiday Gift Guide- Updated Daily December 1 through 12
Discover our staff's favorite picks of the season.
The Bayer Center Store Holiday Gift Guide
A preview of 2024 seasonal gift selections
Recreating Herbert Bayer’s Wood Totem
A recent gift to the Bayer Center comes with an interesting backstory.
Docomomo US Highlights Marble Garden Restoration with National Award
Docomomo US Awards "Citation for Art Preservation” to Herbert Bayer Sculpture.
Gwen Chanzit on the Genius and Relevance of Herbert Bayer
The former curator of the Herbert Bayer Collection and Archive at the Denver Art Museum speaks at the reopening of the Walter Paepcke Memorial Building in 2010.
Exploring the Bauhaus Print Legacy with Rob Saunders and Lissa Ballinger
"Bauhaus Typography at 100" curator Rob Saunders and Bayer Center Executive Director Lissa Ballinger discuss the current exhibition and the throughline of its influence in contemporary graphic design.
Echos of Time in Type
"Bauhaus Typography at 100" curator Rob Saunders and graphic designer Paula Scher discuss the roots of typography and how design innovation takes its cues from the past. Debbie Millman, host of the podcast "Design Matters" moderates the conversation.
In Their Own Words
Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke and the Birth of the Aspen Institute.
The Bayer Center’s Freshman Year
Andrew Travers looks back on the first school year of Bayer Center educational programming
Steve Jobs’: What makes great typography great?
Addressing the Stanford graduating class of 2005, Steve Jobs describes how a calligraphy class led to the Macintosh becoming the first computer to include beautiful typography.
Herbert Bayer: the Man and his Work
On the eve of his departure from Aspen for Santa Barbara, 75-year-old Herbert Bayer reflects on nature as inspiration. This film was produced by the Aspen Institute with a grant from Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO).
Herbert Bayer: the Creative Acts that Propel the Artist
A short film on the life of Herbert Bayer.
The Recycling Symbol: Born in Aspen
Learn about the genesis of this iconic graphic symbol.
From Bauhaus to Birdhouse
Aspen freelance writer Tim Cooney explores Herbert Bayer's Aspen legacy for this piece, published in Aspen Journalism.
Globalization, Nature, and Cartography
NYU Professor Peder Anker on the myriad ways in which Bayer's visual language expresses a desire to harmonize human relationships with the natural world.
View from my Room, Darmstadt
This piece was originally published in local Magazine in June, 2022.
A Brilliant Sculpture
Herbert Bayer's beautiful and mathematically-precise Forum Metall on the grounds of the Lentos Museum in Linz, Austria.
four chromatic gates unveiled
Gates form the front door to a new development in Denver's Broadway Park.
Making Information Beautiful
Benjamin Benus, author of Herbert Bayer's World Geo-Graphic Atlas and Information Design at Midcentury in conversation with Bloomberg Philanthropies Kate D. Levin on how the atlas was a precursor to our current world of information design.
Bloomberg Connects
See the Bayer Center from anywhere in the world!
Richard Carter’s Observable Universe
Artist Richard Carter in conversation with the Bayer Center’s Penner Manager of Educational Programs, Andrew Traverse, as part of the Aspen Institute's Hurst Lecture Series.
Holiday Gift Guide
This holiday season, discover Bauhaus-inspired treasures at the Bayer Center Store.
The history of the Bayer Center with Curator Bernard Jazzar
Curator Bernard Jazzar discusses Herbert Bayer's influence in Aspen and how the Resnick Center for Herbert Bayer Studies came about.
World Geographic Atlas featured on Design Feast
Watch here as Design Feast's Nate Burgos describes Bayer's intent in making the World Geo-Graphic Atlas. "Each part of the world that the Atlas covers is a world in itself," he says.
Bayer’s Legacy in Denver with Gwen Chanzit
While Herbert and Joella Bayer are most associated with Aspen, their artistic influence is very much alive in Denver. Watch here as Gwen Chanzit, Emeritus Curator of Modern Art and Herbert Bayer Collection at the Denver Art Museum discusses Bayer’s Legacy in Denver.
Our Activity Guide is Here
Did you know there are at least eight universal figure-8’s to be found in artwork displays in the Center right now?
kaleidoscreen Restoration Discussion
On September 15, 2023, we held a live, public event featuring Mike Carpenter, Project Manager for Evergreene Architectural Arts and Andrew Travers, Bayer Center's Penner Manager of Educational Programs.
Hurst Lecture Series: Richard Carter’s Observable Universe
For more information and to register, click the link above.
Richard Carter’s Observable Universe
Paepcke Gallery Exhibition On View October 2, 2023 - April 12, 2024.
Aspen Ignites: Herbert Bayer’s Enduring Influence
Benjamin Benus and Andrew Travers in conversation with Aspen Institute President and CEO, Dan Porterfield.
kaleidoscreen Restoration
Herbert Bayer's 1957 outdoor sculpture gets restored thanks in part to a City of Aspen grant.
The Power of Visual Communication
Bayer's World Geo-Graphic Atlas continues to encourage people to think differently about geography.
Replica of Herbert Bayer’s Outside-In Globe in Resnick Gallery
8-foot diameter globe a highlight of new exhibition Charting Space: Herbert Bayer’s World Geo-Graphic Atlas at 70.
Koko Bayer’s New Mural in Aspen
Herbert Bayer’s granddaughter pays homage to In Search of Times Past photomontage on Aspen civic plaza.
Marble Garden Restoration Wins 2022 Aspen Historic Preservation Award
City honors sculpture restoration on Aspen Institute campus for ‘outstanding contribution to historic preservation’.
Austrian exhibition spotlights Herbert and Joella Bayer’s creative collaboration
Bayer exhibition in Linz, Austria
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